Times TBD
This is our annual band competition held at North Davidson High School and is the North Davidson Band Boosters' largest fund raiser each year. All band students are required to help and all parents are also asked to help. We have many different areas needing assistance including concessions, grounds, fundraising, parking, pit, registration, hospitality and services, just to name a few. A parent and child meeting will be held a few days before the festival, however, if you know what area you would like to work in or have questions, please let one of our festival heads know. (Festival heads are Lynn Elkins, Maria Hall and Terri Smith.) Mr. Fordham will direct the kids' sign-ups.
As we prepare for the Festival, we have a few items that we can work on now.
Trophy Sponsors – trophies are given to the competing bands in 7 different areas for 4 or 5 different classes (depending on the overall number of bands) plus champion trophies. We need sponsors to help pay for these trophies and help maximize the profit for our band program. This can be a parent, family member, friend or business. Sponsorships range from $20 - $50 and will be announced during the awards presentation. Kathy Hayes (katrat376@hotmail.com) is handling the trophy sponsor sign-ups and will have the form at games, competitions and most practices.
Coffee mugs and gallons of non-refrigerated apple cider - Mugs of warm apple cider will be sold in the fundraising tent. Proceeds go to the Denny Fordham Scholarship Foundation. A scholarship is given each year to an ND senior preparing to study music in
Trailers - We need 8 trailers for use the day of the festival. If you plan to bring one, please confirm with Lynn ASAP & let her know the size and whether you have an ATV, RTV, or Gator of some sort to bring on that trailer!
Pumpkins - If you have pumpkins that you can give us, please let us know. We will use at least 20. Maybe more.
Baked Goods (for fundraising) - Cookies, Rice Krispie Treats, brownies, pound cake, etc. These should be individually wrapped single servings.
Items to be used in the hospitality tent (to feed visiting band directors):
a) Soups or Chili - About 16 crock pots (label your crockpot & lid)
b) Baked Goods - cakes and pies, cheesecakes, cookies. Already sliced or
not (label your cake/pie taker)
c) one fruit tray and one vegetable tray
d) shredded cheese/crackers and soup crackers.
e) canned sodas & bottled water (about 2 cases of each)
If you can plan to help with any of the above items, please let Lynn, Maria or Terri know ASAP! Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
**The ALL BAND/ALL GUARD MEETING about Festival will be held on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00 in the cafeteria.
Finally, plan ahead to help as much as you can on the day of our festival, even if it is only for a few hours. However, if you are unable to work during the day, we need volunteers in the evening to cover stations vacated by our band members as they get ready to perform. We will also need help with clean-up. Having ‘fresh bodies’ arrive a couple hours before the festival's end to assist with these tasks will help tremendously. This is a long day for everyone, but if we all pitch in to help, we can continue making our festival a HUGE success!