Location: NDHS parking lot at Old 52 (NOT down Critcher Rd on band room side)
Rain date will be May 17th
Spread the word and have your family, neighbors and friends to come shop!
Needs include (if you can help with any of these, please contact Carolyn Shoaf):
6 more “pop up” tents to help designate selling areas. Need them between 6:30 and 7:30 Saturday morning
11 more folding tables. Need them between 6:30 and 7:30 Saturday morning
At least 4 clothes racks to hang items……..please put your NAME on the rack and arrange to pick it back up by noon or ask me to hold on to it.
A few extra hangers
Lots of empty grocery store bags for customers
A few cardboard boxes to pack up unsold items after the sale
Donations of wrapped baked goods and sodas to sell
SIX more adults to commit to working 6:30 (help set up) – 9:30 or 10am
NINE more adults to commit to working 9:30 – noon and stay to clean up
Hopefully all will be done by 12:30 or 1 pm
Additional info:
Dress comfortably (school dress code applies). Remember sunscreen!
Feel free to bring a chair and snacks for yourself.
Will have cooler of water provided. You can buy donated food items at the bake sale table if you choose.
Time working counts as “volunteer hours” Bring a form and it will get signed!
IF YOU CAN NOT BRING ITEMS TO SELL SATURDAY MORNING: You have the option of bringing them to the band room during school hours. If you have LARGE items such as furniture, etc please email Mr. Fordham, and he can work with you to load them into the band trailer prior to Saturday.
IF YOU CAN BRING ITEMS SATURDAY MORNING: Please try to arrive/drop off/send with your student as early as possible. (Someone will be available by at least 6:30am). Sale starts at 8am. People tend to show up earlier than the posted time.
FYI: We will not price each item – but instead will have tables where each item is the same price (i.e. 50 cent table, $1 table, $2 table, $3 table, $4 table, $5 table, Priced as marked table). Hope to have a “money person” at each table, and customers can pay at each area before going to the next one. If you have furniture/ nicer/larger items worth more than $5 we ask that you price it beforehand. That will be a great help!
The WINSTON SALEM RESCUE MISSION is scheduled to arrive at 12:30 to take away all unsold items.