The high school concert band and wind ensemble will be performing together, so there is only one performance time this year.
9:30 Full rehearsal with both classes
11:30 Load bus and trailer
(students need to be dressed for concert - there is no place to change at Lenoir Civic Center)
12:00 Leave for Lenoir
12:20 Lunch (fast food $5 – $10)
1:00 Continue to Lenoir
2:30 Arrive at Lenoir Civic Center
3:00 Watch 2 bands perform
4:20 Return to bus to grab instruments and head to warm up
5:05 Warm-up area
6:30 Sight reading
7:00 Load bus to head to Hickory for dinner
7:45 Arrive at Golden Corral for dinner (approx. $15)
(make check payable to NDHS Band Boosters so we can write one check to Golden Corral)
8:45 Leave Golden Corral
10:15 Arrive back at NDHS